How would I go about rigging a Semi-Humanshaped character?

How would I go about rigging this guy for a little video game?
I’m not sure of the “proper” way to go about it, so I’m just asking in general.
He’s a solid bot, so of course, his mesh would need not deform. So for that, I would need to make sure to full assign his weights to a single bone etc. Correct?
What about the design of the armature etc? How should I go about that? I’m somewhat confused.

I think you can skip the weight-painting, and parent each part to a single bone. As for armature design, decide which moves your character will make, and then design your armature to support these.

you could Rigg him without using bones(Armatures) at all…
but generally bones give you some advantages when doing a ‘humanoid’ type character…

I would use an Armature…
build your Armature first…
you then will need to separate each Robot part out into separate parts by object…
that is don’t have the whole robot contained within one object…
set your Armature into pose mode…
then still in pose mode select each part and shift select the bone you want to control it…
hit Ctrl+P and choose bone…
that bone now controls that one object…

another method that is almost as fast…
Go ahead and contain your Robot Parts all in one object…
build your Armature…
Select your Robot Object…
Shift Select your Armature…
hit Ctrl+P and choose “with empty groups”
now select your Robot object and Tab into edit mode…
goto to Object data in your Properties Panel (the triangle Icon)
find “vertex groups” you will see there have been created a vertex group for every bone in your Armature…
now in edit mode select each separate part using the ‘L’ key and ‘assign’ it to the appropriate vertex group…
now your bones should have control over each of your Robot parts…