Adding noise to dirty vertex map [worn edges]?

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to convert this tutorial to something usable in blender.

I have been mixing 2 image nodes based on the vertex colour created from dirty vertex which ends up with an ok result but too smooth.

How would I go about adding noise to the vertex map? I assume the vertex data is numeric, could I add a math node to somehow randomize the edges of the vertex shading? or a texture node between the attribute and mix node?

Any help much appreciated!

Cheers guys.



Vertex Map is “just” like an(y) Black+White Image, so you can either use Math or Color Mix Node. I would start with multiply Vertex Map with Noise, right after Attribute Node. You can also manipulate the data from Attribute Node first, with ColorRamp or Math Node or Curve, to change the “width” of the dirty Edge.