Cmd blender render command crash.

Hi. I really need help for this problem since I don’t have much time left to render my project.
A little time ago I asked on this forum how to render automatically multiple blender files one after the other. People told me to make a .bat file with blender commands. example:
blender -b Scene8.blend
blender -b Scene3.blend

In blender 2.73 this worked great. I needed it because I had to render multiple blender files at one night. But now I updated to blender 2.74 (installed in the same directorty, so my windows still opens the right blender.exe file)
When I now type blender in a command prompt and press enter blender still opens correctly but it says in the command prompt that blender couldn’t find 2 different add mesh addons. But since blender still opens correctly when typing blender and press enter I think this is not the causer of the following problem:
When I open the bat file with the commands, like given in the example, I get the 2 errors of the add mesh addons that blender couldn’t find, however blender still tries to start rendering the given files but 2 seconds later it says: blender quit.

I downgraded to 2.73 yesterday to see if it would work again… but still no improvements so I installed 2.74 again…
Does anyone knows how to fix this?

Please I really need a solution. Rendering my project takes about 170 hours but there are a lot of little blender files that only takes 2 hours, so I cant let my pc do nothing in the other 10 hours of the night…

Edit: sorry. my fault.

These are not valid commands, are they what you are actually running?

blender -b Scene8.blend
blender -b Scene3.blend

You need to end the command with either -a (render animation) or -f <frame number> (render still of <frame number>). Otherwise blender will read the file and immediately quit because you didn’t tell it to do anything besides opening the file. This is, btw, very clearly spelled out in the top of the CLI docs, did you read them thoroughly?

If that wasn’t it, you’re going to need to post more information. It’s very hard to help someone who isn’t explaining clearly what their problem is. If you are having trouble with a shell script (ANY shell script) the best way to get help with it (on ANY forum!) is to copy and paste to your post (with code tags) both the script itself and the ENTIRE terminal output that appears when you try and run it. You only vaguely explain the error the script gives, and you just post “examples” if what you’re running, leaving people to go “Do they not know you need the -a/-f flags at the end? Or did they just skip them for the example? meh, I have better things to do with my time”.

Forum people are volunteers, they are largely here for their own amusement. They’re going to be inclined to help people who clearly explain their problems. Also, 116 views is not that many by this forum’s standards, as a check of its front page will indicate.

My excuses. you’re totally right. And actually, I knew already that nobody would like to help me if I post a thread like this.
The bat file I used in 2.73 was:
blender -b scene8.blend
And blender rendered all the frames from start to end as preconfigured in the timeline.
In 2.74 it says blender quit.
Adding -a at the end fixed my problem…