Paid Work for a game ready human rig *SOLVED*

I need my character Rigged ready for game, you can use riggify or whatever
is easy and to weight paint it please.

Can you post a screenshot of the character?

Character is still under development

I have sent u an pm

All i need is the model to be weight painted to a RIGGIFY, so no silly pricing please.
I have updated my budget read above.

Yeah man, I can do this for 30, PM sent (asking for specifics on how you want it).
Just rigging a character is pretty simple, I assume this does not involve animation.

No animation because that is very time consuming, i will however be looking for animators soon.
I will send you rig today CubeGod

almost two weeks later and no response, I don’t have time for this farce.
Perhaps you’ll find someone else to rig it for you but I have more important things to do than sit and wait for a PM that’ll never arrive.

Somebody offered to do it for free, good luck with future endeavours.