"Pointiness" attribute not showing?

Hi, I have the latest version of blender, yet the “pointiness” attribute doesn’t appear, is this feature only available on experimental builds?

Should be in 2.74RC in the cycles supported features…

Its under input -> geometry -> pointiness

Add / Input / Geometry node

Ensure you are using cycles material nodes
If you are using the material panel instead of the node editor then ensure you add it to the correct input (example the roughness value of the diffuse shader)

Nope, just has a “backfacing” option at the bottom.

What version of blender are you using?

It’s 2.73 a, downloaded the update yesterday.

That version is nearly 3 months old. As per post #2, you need a newer version, currently latest is blender 2.74RC4 (link on blender.org front page)

Hmm, strange the download page didn’t have that originally…