Blender sculpting problems

After sculpting in blender the models get full of triangles. I heard that quads are better than triangles. Does tris affect rendering. If so then is there any other way than ‘alt+J’ to convert them to quads.
Thanx for giving your time :slight_smile:

You mean of course dyntopo sculpting, yes it makes all triangles, though you must keep keep in mind that at rendering time even quads are split into triangles, so this fact doesn’t affect the rendering at all.
Only when you want to add a Catmull-Clark subdivision by a subsurf or a multires modifier you’ll want quads only meshes, but certainly dyntopo sculpted objects are not suited to this purpose.


Thanx, but why is it so that multires modifier andCatmull-Clark is only affected. Just curious. Why not the ‘simple’ one. What’s the difference?

The subdivision and multires modifiers subdivide the mesh, yes, but in a way that creates an all quad structure and smooths out the mesh based on the density of the geometry and the placement of loops. Multires starts out seemingly the same, but it also comes with displacement and tangent data to allow for the individual displacement of faces using a brush tool.

This is without getting too technical though, as the algorithms behind Catmull-Clark subdivision and Multires is not easy to explain to people who haven’t done much in 3D. It gets even more complex once you get into OpenSubDiv technology, which is a major evolution on top on Blender’s current code.

I just want to add that making use of regular loops of quads in modeling is a big help to take control over the shape, since it’s easy to add or delete loops of vertices where it needs, moreover you can safely add a subdividing modifier without artifacts.

About the simple subdivision mode of the multires, it still has to subdivide each triangle into three quads, but since it does not perform any smoothing-rounding the fact doesn’t give issues on the derived mesh, as the interpolated method does; anyway you will get problems as soon as you start to sculpt over it.


Thanx for the help and thorough explanation.

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