Curved stairs problem

Hi all!
I want to make curved stairs. I tried with curve and array modifiers, but results was horrible. Now I tried with proportional editing and it’s much better, but it stiil needs some improvements. I mean on the top of stairs I want last steps to be parallel to that top platform. Also that entire stairs model seems very steep, but I think the only way to fix it is to scale it down along z axis or something similar. Anyways: do you guys have any idea to make this work correctly? As reference you can use this image:

Here’s what I get so far:

Well it looks like you have the right idea, keep going with proportional edit. You might have to hide a few verticies on the inner side so they don’t get affected, but you should be fine with that method.
Or maybe I don’t understand your problem.

I also don’t want these things we step on (I cant find word for it in any language :stuck_out_tongue: ) to change their shape. And my most problem is their wrong angle near that platform. As you can see on the reference they are parallel to it, but when I try to adjust them, entire mesh must be edited. I tried with any proportional method in blender. But still mesh gets messed up.

One idea would be to use Array, Lattice and Simple Deform modifiers + Mirror to only have to work on one side. In this example blend, I’m also using Hook to unify control over step height and Array modifier.


curved_stairs.blend (96.3 KB)

You can add a bolt, remove the bolt head, and have a nicely formed helix to use as a base for extruding spiral stairs.

The part you step on is the “Tread”
link that might help

Thank you all guys, especially you Stan Pancakes, because I took your blend and tweaked it a “little bit” I want to leave that stairs as you can see in the images, but can someone help me to make treads the same size on top and on the bottom but without douing anything without doing anything with stringers and balustrades (I have no idea how it could get messed up). It looks like those on top are size of feet but should be like those on the bottom (you can see it in reference images) :confused:

Here are my results:

I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. Your treads get shallower at the top? That shouldn’t happen: save for small deformations that Bend introduces, they should stay more or less the same depth. That is, unless you’re doing something to distort them (scaling, additional lattice?). Or your issue is different? Maybe you could point it out on screenshots, or share a sample file at which we could look at.

Problem solved thanks to eppo!
He suggested using array with empty, so I modeled treads and increased number of them to 33 on one side (yes, I counted them in the movie :smiley: ).
Again, thank you all for help :slight_smile: