Top-down (Mobile) City Pack - Very Low Poly

Very low poly model pack for mobile games. It is a set of parts/props. I created this pack for Unity Assetstore. Buildings are built from “parts”. You have got many different parts to build each building, you can create whatever you want. There are different roof types, wall types, different building sizes and shaped. You can build roads, put signs for shops or make a market.

Only One atlas texture for all objects and parts. Very good performance on mobile.

Here is a wireframe (tris) in Unity3d

very very cool job

i very very very very very very very love graphic like this… so i very very very very very ver very this art… NICE JOB :cool:

could you teach me how to make graphic like this?.. please … i serious :yes:

Wow, this is awesome :o

Nice job, love it. How do you mix paving stone with grass texture?

did you use vertex color? and if yes, how do you take to work in unity?, thanks and good work

Dude, How do you tile the wooden panels on that plane?

oh…I see it now, you actually did the tiling for the wooden walls in the textures :stuck_out_tongue: I thought it was the other way around

Hi, Thanks guys for your comments :slight_smile:

led: It is not seamless, you can’t “tile” it because it is the atlas texture and you can’t just put it on the object and set the tiling. I had to create just 1 texture and 1 material for all objects, so they can share it for the best performance on mobile. Walls and roofs are planes and I just used wider textures for 2 planes (wider roofs etc.). If the wall was shorter, I used just part of this texture to fit the smaller space. All textures can be shared, like the wood textures. You can build other objects from the same textures.

RailroadBill: It is the terrain tool in Unity3d (game engine), you can paint the terrain based on the height map and paint it with textures. So, I used 4-5 textures to paint the terrain: ground, grass etc… I created also pavement parts: 4 straight pavement part (very short, short, longer and very long) and 1 curve part to create roads.