[ArchViz] Modern Interior Scene with V-Ray 2.20

Hello everyone. When I started to making something new from scratch I selected ArchViz. So, now I starting my new project using V-Ray RE. This is the basic scene which is really simplish:https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/11004544_826957500703366_6797547451755893728_o.jpg

I updated the scene. Hope you like it and post comments. Its not final image. More pics will be next.https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/t31.0-8/11008535_828466183885831_4861138699778840580_o.jpg

the scale of elements - proportions seem very strange
check it to real world dimensions
or maybe it is your purpose - the strange effect , kinda’ surreal…

Yes, its my aspect. I making the window a little bit bigger than normal because it will cast a lot of sunshine to room. If you about lamp, so yeah, this is really scaled (50 sm). I’ll decrease it on my next update. The chair is not a small. It is 1.5 m. But, anyway, thank you for suggestion.Kind regards.

looks great. I have one issue though, with the height of the lamps. some one who is slightly on the tall side would probably strike their head on these lamps.

:smiley: hahaha…Yeah, the lamp will touch to tall man. I’ll update my scene with some new objects and I’d like to making other room too.