Medieval VFX-Breakdown

Inspired by the Game of Thrones VFX-breakdown videos, I decided to make my own, using my own footage and 3D-medieval art.

I used both Blender and GIMP.

(video deleted, because it got a thumb down)

No comments or suggestions? I’d like to get some ideas as to how to improve my animations.

This is really cool, but not related to animation, I think. This forum could use a VFX section.

great work! phil…perspective at 1:22 does not fit, some kind of camera is to low and or the lens value is to smal but realy great work! First shot mask is to blury but thats what you know i think. Great work and comp!

It needs to be way faster between layers. I really wanted to stop watching cause it was taking sooo long. There were some sections where I was watching and wondering if I was missing happening.

That’s just my opinion

Thank you for your constructive criticism, which is what I needed.

I will work to improve my art accordingly in the future.

Thanks for watching at taking your time to comment on it :slight_smile: