tablet controller

well the Nintendo wii u has a tablet controller and it seems like a cool idea. but from what i understand Nintendo is losing money on it. makes the wii u to expensive but most people have a tablet already. i think the idea of a tablet controller is awesome and i don’t think it wouldn’t be to hard to make work with blender. using BDX to blender using the in home network to link them.

well before i start putting it together i thought i would run it by the blender community and ask what they think. so think it could be done?

some ideas i had for how to use it are
*game map
*rear view mirror on car
*item menu for example(Zelda item menu)

if you had the option of using a linked tablet what would you use it for?

mutiplayer deathmatch without screen peaking

infra red version of same game screen

Map for ordering units or airstrikes etc while,in Fps on main screen.

an other game play idea i had was a survival horror game that u need to use the tablet to open doors and stuff so it would add to the ergency of the game making u let go of movement controls to work the door

have a flight simulator that uses wasd mouse, and then
the rest of the contols are on the tablet? sliders and knobs and things?

You could probably look into the TkInter library for python. It’s a GUI library that comes packaged with python.

maybe something like this: Blendroid on youtube (don’t know what happened, but would be nice)

ya the blendroid addon looks good but i cant find it and they didnt say anything about it working with BGE :frowning:

A method like that would be much more work and be less efficient. On devices like the wiiU controller, the Wii is actually handling all the rendering for the tablet and is being streamed onto the controller’s screen. It is done to 1 ensure controller responsiveness, 2 fewer errors in data transfer.