Smoke Tutorial Need Help with cigarette like smoke

Hey people,

I’m struggling to find good settings for cigarette like smoke renders. I tried to modify the renderoutput with a sobel filter, but i guess that’s not quite it.

I intend to do a tutorial on smoke and camera tracking but it would be good to perfect these topics (especially smoke in this case) with the community here, before searching for the right answers myself over the next decade, trying all those parameters inside the domain settings. Also I think the best way to learn it yourself is to do a tutorial about it :stuck_out_tongue:

The Tutorial will be available here:
It would be my second tutorial.

The manipulated footage would feature my girlfriend being blown out like a candle, if I can get there with your help.

So I hope to hear from you soon

The latest output:

still working on the shadows of course. The lady in the picture is substituted with a Makehuman Mesh emitting Particles (Particle Smoke)

Thank you guys,
Keep it up,
The MoonMan