rigify gizmos question ( wired nude)

I have finaly generated a rig that seams to have most of what I wanted for my catgirl, but some gizmo seems to have no efect ( the one selected in blue) So I’m still missing somthing.

I guess I need to fix that befor trying to aply the rig to the model.

Upload your file. I can’t help you otherwise.

switch from IK to FK. See the image. If you select a bone in either the arms or the legs, there will be a tab in the circled area for “rig main properties” which will have a slider “IK/FK”. Move it to FK.

Thx for your answears.
I cant actualy post the blend I think since the catgirl is from daz.

So it’s about inverse kinematics. I thougt of it, but as I had no idea how to switch from invers to forward, I couldnt check it. Plus the fact that the arrow gizmo had effect just not on the hand part induced me to think it wasent that after all, so I didnt dig enough this way.

I’ll go try this.

From the image, it looks like your mesh is not bound/parented to the armature at all. The mesh needs to have an armature modifier with the appropriate armature set in order to be deformed.

Both the FK and IK bone chains appear to have been moved, so I doubt it is that.

Well it’s pointless to parent the mesh if the armature don’t work. Thats why I said:

 I guess I need to fix that befor trying to aply the rig to the model.

But you are right, it isent the FK IK gizmo visibility button as they wont show if they werent selected. I tryed to unselect the IK ones but it didnt change anything.

After an improbable connexion of two of my neurons, I realised that I can just remove everything from daz and post the rigified thing .blend.

Edit: Hoooo sliders! Yes it was that.

Thx it’s solved.