Rigify add-on stole my tail bone.

I’m trying to use the rigify add on on a catgirl folowing pitchy poy tutorial but my added bones are lost in the rigify process. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Did you just add bones using shift-a in edit mode on the metarig, or did you use Rigify’s built-in functions for adding supported bone chains?

I extruded them. Well I guess I have to find this build in button.


It solved my problem.

However I may be intersted by the floppy ears part as I’m trying to rig a catgirl. I will probably fail but hopefully knowledge will be transferable for other work.

Eh I can’t find it anymore. The thread is old enough to be locked and I don’t remember what it was called. I think I used a finger chain for the ears.

Ok thx. I was actualy trying with a limb chain. I think I done somthing stupid in the process by deleting the original ears of pitchipoy rig and naming mine ear too, But I think I get the idea.