3DS Max SwiftLoop tool in blender?

Are there any addons available for Blender that provides the functionality of 3DS Max SwiftLoop tool? I know that loop cuts can be added with Ctrl-R, but this tool seems pretty cool.

Would it be difficult to create one?

Edge slide with even option, subdivide smooth.

In addition to Subdivide Smooth, that “Flow Connect” can be achieved with the Smoothness/Falloff options of the loop cut tool. Always check your status bar for hints and operator panel for options before you go hunting for tools: there’s a fair chance they’re already there.

Thanks, I learned a few new tricks with the loop cut tool. However, I was referring more to the speed at which new loop cuts can be added. Watching that video, once the artist initiates the tool, it is then just a single click to add an additional loop cut. That was more what I was interested in. Not a big deal, but I can see where it can save some time.