martinsh watershader bug!

So what did I want to ask is- why do martinsh watershader crash when I go to the scene with water, switch to other scene, than return back to scene with water. When I return to the scene, blender just closes. How to resolve that.

Martinsh made several water shader scenes that he posted online. which one did you use?

I think I used v1.0 or v1.1. I used the one which works for me(doesn’t put the buffer as blue plane, but as a bonus texture. It hasn’t got the underwater shader…

For example- I would like to get the 0.95, but it looks like fully grey(no refraction and reflection) except underwater and in while looking at it from angle 1-3 degrees(when buffer layers is off).

No, crap! I used v1.1:D Others doesn’t work for me…

Hello! I’ve the same bug. You should report it to the bug tracker with a simple .blend example (apparently it’s related to libpng…). If you can test with other versions of Blender to see when the bug appeared for the first time.

Is this a bug with the latest version only? It runs fine for me under 2.72.

I just tested with 2.69 and it crashes too on my computer (windows 8.1 blender 64 bits). I’ll test with 32 bits to see if it works… No… I get (sometimes) this warning before the crash: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile (I don’t know if it is relevant)

Tested with this .blend:

(space to switch beetween scenes)

Tested also with 2.72b: same crash

I tested it on both- 2.73a and 2.72b aswell as 2.7 and they all has the same bug… I have Linux 64-bit…

Yes I think you can report the bug

It seems to be a videotexture problem.

I found the fault. The problem is that martins has used a global variable to initialized the videotexture.
If the scene is switched the global variable still exist but the videotexture is freed.
You need to use a property which will be reseed to get this working.

from bge import logic as g
from bge import texture
from mathutils import *
from math import *
import bgl

cont = g.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
scene = g.getCurrentScene()
objlist = scene.objects

reflsize = 512 #reflection tex dimensions
refrsize = 512 #refraction tex dimensions
offset = 0.2 #geometry clipping offset

#texture background color
bgR = 0.63
bgG = 0.84
bgB = 1.0
bgA = 0.0

activecam = scene.active_camera
viewer = activecam

#if 'initcam' not in own:
#   cam ='rendercamera')
#   cam_ob ='watercamera', cam)
#   own['initcam'] = 1

rendercamera = objlist['rendercamera'] #camera used for rendering the textures
#setting lens and projection to rendercamera same as active camera
rendercamera.lens = activecam.lens
rendercamera.projection_matrix = activecam.projection_matrix

#rotation and mirror matrices

r180 = Matrix.Rotation(radians(180),3,'Y')
unmir = Matrix.Scale(-1,3,Vector([1,0,0]))

#disable visibility for the water surface during texture rendering
own.visible = False


#initializing camera for reflection pass
pos = (viewer.position - own.position)*m1
pos = own.position + pos*r180*unmir*m2

ori = Matrix(viewer.orientation)
ori = ori*m1*r180*unmir*m2

#delay reduction using delta offset
if 'oldori' not in own:
    own['oldori'] = ori
    own['oldpos'] = pos
    own['deltaori'] = own['oldori']-ori
    own['deltapos'] = own['oldpos']-pos
own['deltaori'] = own['oldori']-ori
own['deltapos'] = own['oldpos']-pos

#orienting and positioning the reflection rendercamera
rendercamera.orientation = ori - own['deltaori']
rendercamera.position = pos - own['deltapos']

#storing the old orientation and position of the camera
own['oldori'] = ori
own['oldpos'] = pos

#culling front faces as the camera is scaled to -1

#plane equation
normal = own.getAxisVect((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) #plane normals Z=front

D = -own.position.project(normal).magnitude #closest distance from center to plane
V = (activecam.position-own.position).normalized().dot(normal) #VdotN to get frontface/backface

#invert normals when backface
if V<0:
    normal = -normal

#making a clipping plane buffer
plane = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_DOUBLE, [4], [-normal[0], -normal[1], -normal[2], -D+offset])

#rendering the reflection texture in tex channel 0
if 'reflection' not in own:
    own['reflection'] = True
    g.reflection = texture.Texture(own, 0, 0)
    g.reflection.source = texture.ImageRender(scene,rendercamera)
    g.reflection.source.capsize = [reflsize,reflsize]
    g.reflection.source.background = [int(bgR*255),int(bgG*255),int(bgB*255),int(bgA*255)]


#restoring face culling to normal and disabling the geometry clipping


#initializing camera for refraction pass
pos = viewer.position
ori = Matrix(viewer.orientation)

#delay reduction using delta offset
if 'oldori1' not in own:
    own['oldori1'] = own.orientation
    own['oldpos1'] = own.position
    own['deltaori1'] = own['oldori1']-viewer.orientation
    own['deltapos1'] = own['oldpos1']-viewer.position

own['deltaori1'] = own['oldori1']-ori
own['deltapos1'] = own['oldpos1']-pos

#orienting and positioning the refraction rendercamera
rendercamera.orientation = ori - own['deltaori1']
rendercamera.position = pos - own['deltapos1']

#storing the old orientation and position of the camera
own['oldori1'] = ori
own['oldpos1'] = pos

#making another clipping plane buffer
plane = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_DOUBLE, [4], [normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], -D+offset])

#rendering the refraction texture in tex channel 1
if 'refraction' not in own:
    own['refraction'] = True
    g.refraction = texture.Texture(own, 0, 1)
    g.refraction.source = texture.ImageRender(scene,rendercamera)
    g.refraction.source.capsize = [refrsize,refrsize]
    g.refraction.source.background = [int(bgR*255),int(bgG*255),int(bgB*255),int(bgA*255)]


#disabling the geometry clipping
#restoreing visibility for the water surface
own.visible = True

Thanks HG1, it works!

Ok Thanks!