Changing Duplicate Mesh Texture Changes Texture on All Copies? :(

I’m in Blender 2.69 and I am making a number of picket signs in cycles using the import images as planes option. I made all the sign faces in Gimp hoping to just duplicate one sign and just swap out textures in the node editor, but if I change the texture on one of my ten sign meshes, it changes it on all of them. How do I disassociate the duplicates from each other so I can texture them all independently?

Many thanks.

Make the material and texture single user with U -> mat & tex. Could also click on the number next to material datablock but when you do that, you get material to be a single user but the textures then will be shared and you need to make those single user separately.

It’s because Blender automatically uses shared assets to save resources and datablock links switch to shared when the higher level is set as single user. By default materials are associated with object data, so if you have a linked duplicate of your mesh the object data has multiple users. When you break that link the materials will have multiple users, and again if you make material single user the textures will then have multiple users.