Blenders weight painting mode is messing with my mind...

I’m sure not the best at weight painting, but sometimes Blender seems to apply random weights to layers which are locked… I leave those layers knowing the weights are applied correctly, lock them, come back later and the weights have changed (in a way, I don’t want, of course).
Sometimes, Blender doesn’t even let me weight paint on a mesh, even when the layer isn’t locked. I’ve got the “Add” Brush at 100%, Strength at 100%, I paint onto the the mesh… nothing happens. Sometimes Blender lets me paint on one part of the mesh but not on another (then deep blue spots inside a green area). I am really confused, since I don’t check any options since sometimes X-Mirror. And if I lock a vertex group, I don’t expect it to change. Since now I’ve blamed me for changing the layer, but there are layers I remember to be green and locked, then I come back and they have red spots all over.

So, my question: Is this normal? What is causing this? And… is there an option to mask out a part of the mesh in weight paint mode… (I know about ALT+B, but this is giving me hard edges if I paint)?

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is there an option to mask out a part of the mesh in weight paint mode…
Face or vertex selection masking buttons on the header

Solved… changed to 2.72 and built a better rig.