Blender Veterans competition proposal

Hi all, (and sorry if this is the wrong place to post something like this… I rarely come to this part of the forum :P, this IS completely blender related, so I hope I don’t get thrown into the off-topic dungeon :P)

Anyway here’s the thing: Would anyone be interested in a “Blender Veterans” competition, where all the entries have to be made in, say blender 2.43 or something like that (pre-2.5x anyway)… how does this sound to you guys? do 2.4x versions run on modern PCs? please vote in the poll above and let me know if you’re interested.

I’d love to do something like this, but I don’t know how it sound to you guys. IMHO the best way to find out who’s the best, is to use a really old version of the software, It would be really, really fun to do, and should be hilarious. suddenly we’ll all be like N00bs again, with no idea where to click:

(joke and in the process show all these new kids how its done right? end-of-joke)

Whoa. Had the same idea in mind once. 2.45 was the version I came back into 3D after giving up learning. Still had no idea how to go about though :). It would be very interesting to see what I could come up now after discovering the “essence” of 3D.

Yeah, but it seems people aren’t really up for something like this. :frowning: just a few “no” and “Maybe”…

maybe people are just too busy to try and re-learn an old blender… that, or most of them came along after the 2.5 release :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah. I couldn’t stand going back to when we couldn’t customize keymaps or use ngons. It also doesn’t really show who’s best, only if you’re familiar with what was at the time eccentric software.

It’s a question regarding whether people would enter a competition. Most competitions see only a small amount of people enter, it’s perfectly normal. If you want to spark more people’s interest though, you have to answer ‘what’s in it for them?’

Ah yes! that is definitely an important question. :stuck_out_tongue: I should have included that in the poll

I took 2.49 for a spin and the nostalgic experience even made retopology (most hated aspect of 3D) fun :slight_smile: