Copying Fluid Settings after Cell Fracture

So I created a project about a ball rolling downhill, hitting a wall, fracturing it, then the wall falls into the water.
Everything is well and good so far until, well, fluid settings.
There is a scary amount of mesh objects, far too many to create fluid settings for each (a simple fluid obstacle).
So is there any easier way to copy and paste fluid settings from objects to another? Or to do them before fracturing or something?

The addon called “Copy Attributes Smoke Collision and Fluid Obstacle” sounds like what you want. The addon’s Blender Wiki page has a youtube video showing how to copy the fluid obstacle attributes for cell fracture objects.

I’m the autor of the addon, here is the link for download:
and here is the link of the tutorial :
the tutorial is in portuguese, so if you have some question, please let me know.
I would like to remember, you just can have 255 objects as fluid obstacle type, more than that, blender doesn’t allow.