How do you map and render images in Blender+Octane Render?

I can’t figure out how to render images in Octane Render. Here’s what I do - could somebody please tell me what I’m doing wrong?

  1. I have the default cube.
  2. Add an Octane Image Tex
  3. Open a .png image and Assign it
  4. Open the .png in the UV editor
  5. Go into Mesh/UV-unwrap/Cube projection
  6. The .png is now unwrapped on the cube - and it is visible in Material view.
  7. But in Rendered view, the cube is rendered without the .png: Just the default cube in the default blue Octane sky.

So I’m obviously missing one or more steps somewhere along the way. (I tried Octane Render’s Blender forum but it’s not exactly a crowded place…)

That’s a common and easy problem to solve. You need to have an Octane Image Texture node plugged into the colour input of a Octane Diffuse Node.

Simple setup:

I think a lot of people new to Octane are still using Cycles nodes from habit instead of Octane nodes. But if not, it’s usually the way they’re connected up. Hope that helps.