Dissociate physic rendering memory/cpu usage

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using Blender for a while using physic and visual rendering.
But when i proceed to a physic rendering, a lot of keys are saved (one key per frame and per object i guess) and here the problem is.
This amount of keys makes the computer very, very slow and this makes the visual rendering very slow too

My question is : is it possible to “save” the keys away than in the ram (i suppose that the keys are placed in the ram) then keep the pc free from keys cpu/memory usage ?

I hope you’ll understand what i mean, sorry for my english :smiley:

Recent versions of Blender have a native implementation of Bullet that allow for simulations that are not ‘faked’ by way of using the BGE, have you tried it?

Hi Ace dragon, sorry for my late response and thank you for yours.
What do you mean by “faked” ? And no i didn’t try bullet, actually i didn’t know this feature of blender :o When i search blender bullet i find some fruits mixing machines :smiley: Could you tell me more about it ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

What I mean is that the way that the BGE-based simulation for rendering works is by inserting keyframes for all simulated objects on every frame.

The native implementation doesn’t create that overhead, it stores the motion in a cache system instead like the other simulation types.