"Private Heaven"

Simple bathroom for your daily relaxation and rituals ,hope you like it :smiley: if you do ,visit me at my blog : Phuongdanh.tumblr.com

credit to the Plant model by Dennis Haupt

I like the mood. Cheers!

Thank you !

It’s a very interesting picture. I like :slight_smile:
Is there a window over the bathtub? looks very bright.

In my opinion the reflections of the bulbs look like they’re shut off. Probably you should a bit of post processing on them?
But all in all very nice picture.

Beautiful! It feels so clean. Is there a very slight mist to the scene? It almost seems a tiny bit foggy, as if a hot bath has just been had. The modeling is excellent, but it’s the lighting that makes this scene so nice.

It’s a very beautiful bathroom, really good work!
Just some little things bother me, the towels folded beneath the washbowl look a bit weird, particularly in the first image and I don’t really understand the bulbs switched on and off. I first thought there were two row of bulbs, one lighted and one not lighted and then I understood that it was the reflection on the mirror so it’s strange that they were not the same. (There is not this problem in the third image).
But other than that it’s a really nice render and your blog is really impressive!:slight_smile:

Thank you so much :smiley: i forgot some of the lens flare of the bulb during the post processing ,i didn’t think that i would be so much of a problem to the render

First of all,thank you :slight_smile: second,there IS a window over the bathtub,i added it for more comfortable feeling when you take a bath,and about the reflection,that’s just some errors during the post processing

Great job as always! I always love your work. :slight_smile: Could you explain the node setup for the floor? It looks very nice.

Thank you !! :smiley: for the concrete floor i append chocofur’s model shader and tweak it a little bit ,you can get the model here http://store.chocofur.com/free-03-concrete

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Nice one! Love the lightbulbs :slight_smile:

Thank you ! :eyebrowlift: