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Gaming GPU…

Gaming gaming gaming… is there spesific stuff designed for 3D stuff?
im mostly targetting RAM GPU and CPU.
my question is, why should i NOT buy a gtx960?

You mean now? Easy: The GTX 960s are for now only available with 2 GB VRAM (4 GB rumored to come in March) - quite sparse IMHO, if you’re into GPU rendering.

And well, I’ve always used gaming hardware for 3D work, as gamers have similar needs: They need reliable hardware with high precision and proper ergonomics, allowing for hours of continous usage without exhausting or even damaging ligaments and muscles in wrist/hand. Depending on genre of the game they also need lots of (programmable) extra buttons, which also come in handy for 3D work…:wink:

As far as RAM and other core components are concerned, gamers have always been the spearhead of technical progress, as for a gaming enthusiast there is no such thing as “too fast”. What’s good for gamers is good for 3D artists, too.

Hi, I would not go for the new DDR4 RAM, it is far to expensive and the boards for it too.
If you are in CPU rendering think about a i7 6 core.
If you are in GPU rendering go for 1 or 2 GTX 970 and a small i7 or best i5.
If you are rich take both. :slight_smile:

Cheers, mib

I agree with everyone else and just want to add that, although a lot of the hardware is geared towards gaming, it helps us non-gaming types with lower prices and more options. I use a gaming motherboard so I have more GPU slots for more than one GPU in my box. You might want to try and get a GPU with the most memory and speed as you can afford for GPU rendering (but you don’t have to get the top of the line one). You will be happier for longer with it, but don’t expect the happiness to last for more than about 4 years. :slight_smile:

mib if he is rich wait for the gm200 next month. its supposed to beat the 980 and have 12 gigs of ram. that sounds expensive…but if he’s rich expensive is relative. the 12 gig of ram leads me to think it’ll be a new titan and not the 990. i think the 990 will end up being a dual 980. then again if i am wrong it wont be the 1st time.