Trouble beveling corners

So, this might be easy, I am relatively new to blender and working through the tutorials and haven’t seen an example of this yet.

I am trying to replicate a temple similar to the below picture (ignoring the steps for now) and I have no trouble beveling the sides or rounding the corners, but I haven’t figured out a good way to do both, beveled with rounded corners.

Any hints? Let me know if I am not being clear and I will elaborate any way I can.


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there are two ways that i think is really effective for beveling edges. my favorite being adding a subsurface modifier, and loopcuts to support the edges.
the other one is adding a bevel modifier, and if needed, use a vertex group to deside where to bevel the edges. now let me explain both of them.

subsurface and loopcuts:
if you add a subsurface modifier, the whole mesh will become a lot smoother. however, if you have loopcuts (or support edges as some might call it) those edges will become sharper. the tighter the edges are to eachother, the sharper the edge of the mesh will be.
the advantage of this is you keep the mesh fully quad, and i think you get a cleaner look.
the disadvantage is you get a mesh with a high poly count, and you might lose controll over the conrners, and you will end up with a messy mesh if you do this wrong. also its hard to correct it if you mess it up.

stuff you need to know for this is shift+R to add a loopcut, keep the mesh quad and have a good topology, Alt+rightclick to select a loop of verteses, and press G twice to move a vertex along its edge. this can be usefull when you select a loop, and press G G, then you can move the whole thing to either tighten, the edge, or make it more smooth.

​bevel edge modifier:
using the bevel edge modifier gives you a lot more controll over the mesh, but you lose the 100% quad part, as this will make some trists.
you also have an unbalanced mesh, where you can end up with a lot of verts close to the edges, and nothing in the faces, witch might cause some problems later. i also personally think this gives a worse look, and is more stress to set up.
you do have more controll over the mesh however, and can keep the polycount low.

i recomend you trying the bevel edge modifier to begin with. and use a vertex group to deside witch verts to bevel.

when you are close to done with the model you are making, then you can add a subsurface modifier, and delete the bevel modifier. from there add loopcuts to tighten the edges you wish to be sharp.

Bevel modifier with limit method Weight. Vertex group option has nasty side effects - you cant control normal 4 vertice face edges properly, like 3 sides are beveled, or 2 opposite side edges.

I think subsurf and loopcuts is the better method myself.

For some reason i don’t think you should be much worried about beveling… More i look into image more these corners look having almost the same radii. Skewed quarter of cylinder for starters seems to be more appropriate here.
If you want to stick close to this shape, that is.

Nice! Thanks to all 4 of you, I think that gives me enough to get it done, also, excellent example from eppo, that is exactly what I want :slight_smile: