Cloth string one end fixed the other moving with object.

Hi guys,

I’m using Blender 2.73, Nvidia GeForce GTX 645, Windows 7, 64 bit. I have about three years experience with Blender and am stuck on creating a cloth string that is independently controlled at both ends. I’ve been circling this problem for a few days now. I can pin one end of the string to an object and have the string follow the object using a ChildOf contstraint, while the other end flaps. I can pin both ends of the same string and both ends of the string will follow the objects motions. Or I can pin the ends to more than one object and the movement of both ends is the average of the target objects motions. I’ve tried hooks and they don’t work but I cannot say that I understand what they are doing with regard to the string. Kinda weird. I can set some of the Cloth parameters (like velocity and air) and mitigate the movement at the non-pinned end but there is always some. Too much!

Essentially I want one side of the string held in place while the other end of the string follows an Object. I don’t see a way to do this with a single PIN. I understand if the Object moves too far the string might break. In this scene there is plenty of slack in the string so that should not be a problem.

I would appreciate any ideas that might point me in the right direction. Work-arounds welcome.



Found an easy solution - using Rigid Body.