Cell Fracture Add-On Not Finishing

Hello! My name is juan, and I need some help with the Cell Fracture add on.

When I use the cell fracture add on, it tends to create the “bits” that it will do a Bool operation on, and it starts removing the unnecessary parts and then it’s “done” supposedly, but almost all of it is there.

Hi Juan :slight_smile:

The Cell Fracture addon is a bit finicky, your mesh needs to have a few properties in order for it to work smoothly. The most important one I’ve found is that it’s “manifold”, more specifically I guess the word would be watertight. So check your model doesn’t have any holes in it, or duplicated/intersecting edges/faces, and stuff like that. Another thing I’ve found is applying the scale and rotation can help it a bit aswell.

Give these things a try and see if it makes it better. If not, could you include a couple of screenshots and possibly a download of the blend file so we can help you more thoroughly. You can upload your file here (http://www.pasteall.org/blend/) and paste us the link it gives you, try not to upload any massive 300mb blend file though :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Luck,