Bubble shield strats

So is there a way to achieve this invisible look? I really want the invisible texture + visible normal map. Can I do this using nodes? is there a simpler way?

It doesnt have to distort the image you’re seeing but i just want the invisible object with visible hex normal map

Post processing filter would do it, I think,

Like post processing? Can’t do that in real time right?

Hello! I think that an “object shader” would be more appropriate. I’ll see if I find something on the net.

Oh I feel like a jerk I just realized all I needed to do was give it a transparent texture. Set it to alpha blend. Set Z transparency to less than 1. Set backface culling to true and profit.

If you don’t need it to distort things behind it, in the latest build of Blender specular is added after alpha transparency so you can give it a normal map and drop the alpha to 0, and it will still have visible shiny highlights that follow the normal map.
(the only way I’ve found to disable specular on transparent parts is to set the alpha type to “mask”)

I’m too afraid to jump to the latest build cause everyone said it was wicked broken