Crysis 4 Reminiscence - Fan Fiction Teaser

Hello !
I’ve been inspired by Crysis Games and I decided to create a short film in this Universe. Whole process took longer than I expected (especially render time - 504 hours on 2 gtx 970) but now it’s done and I’m quite happy with a results. Let me know what you think ! :slight_smile:

Hey korinek,
wow it’s a real “cysis” feeling. Impressive! How long did you work on this project?
Really well done.
And all done in Blender? How did you create the overlay?->looks nice!

best regards,

Hey Oktan !
I’m really glad that you liked it.
Yes, it’s all blender.
How I created overlay ? Really simple thing. First I modelled “interface” in 2D in the top ortho view, gave it cool material with emission. Then I’ve parented everything to camera. Next another parent for camera to bone head and Voilà. We have a nice looking first person view :wink:
Ouh and for appearing/disappearing parts of layer, I used Dynamic Paint (which is pretty simple as well btw.). First I’ve tried build modifier but I dropped it because this modifier has a poor control options.

Whole proces took me about two and half month + 3 weeks for rendering.

Very Impressive.

3 weeks for rendering!! Did you do any compositing?

Yes, but I’m not good at nodes so whole setup is quite easy and uncomplicated.

and yea, that render time was depressing, but thanks god I have second computer so I didnt die of boredom :smiley: