What Do you Think This Could Be?

I was doing math homework and I got bored, so I just made this and wasted some time. But still, whad u think this could be used for?:eyebrowlift2:

if I collect 7, I can invoke to shenlong.

err, sure?

I will try again,mmm… maybe the Obserbable universe?:confused:

It could be a single ‘marble’, if you did some more and vary the patterns and colours, you could have yourself a set of marbles…

marbles is good or maybe the iris of an aliens eye
what do you want it to be ?

Too much transparency and subsurface scattering ofr marble. It could be amber ball or something like that…

Art. Seriously now, looks like a planet or an orb to me

the Galaxy on Orion’s belt? :stuck_out_tongue:

Pee in space could look like this

looks like a Galaxy in a drop of water “falling” trough space

ha lol…

An exotic marble made from a crystallizing amber, extremely rare for its electrification properties (making it glow) and thus extremely valuable. Rumor has it that whoever comes into a game of marbles with this thing will never lose and amass millions of them from other players.