Linking physics from library.

Im having trouble getting physics objects linked in from library files working.

Specifically I would like to see any example of a linked-in physics constraint functioning, and a more convenient workflow than creating a proxy for each rigidbody individually.

What success has anyone else had?

– more info –

I had a nice ragdoll set up on my armature before discovering the issue. I can’t see any convenient way to getting groups of linked-in physics objects to function, or any linked-in constraints to work at all.

The only success I have had is to
(a) link in a group containing rigid bodies
(b) create a proxy… which asks for a specific object within the group to proxy. I select one of the rigid bodies.
© create another physics object locally (eg tools->physics->Add Activ)
(d) add the proxy to the same RigidBodyWorld group that was automatically created by ©

Following all the above steps, the single proxy object will start obeying physics. I havent figured out how to get constraints on linked-in objects working at all, even if I add them to the local RigidBodyConstraints group.

Should I abandon linked-in physics and go with scripting? I figure I could create a script to generate a ragdoll locally, and only define ragdoll metadata properties in the library file.