Rollie, Surface following raybot, coupled with rigid body.

Contour following loco-motor , for Metroid roller ball or simple enemy behavior

Device uses rays to align and center body, and apply forces to stick to a wall,

exterior wheel is attached via a rigid body joint, exterior body applies angV and friction


RollerAi.blend (445 KB)

You need to give your posts more detail. Most people will find resources from a search engine listing, rather than clicking titles. This also means that using your own NameWithCamelCaseAndContractions means your resource is unlikely to be seen, and if found, not followed (because of a weird name, which seems unprofessional).

For example, you might write:

Surface following example (rolling cylinder).

In addition to this, it’s not always the case that small files should be made resources. I’ve noticed a lot of “rigs” and other setups which aren’t finished / with little documentation / repeated concepts and it makes finding other resources all the more tricky.

Fun demo.

I think you need to explain yourself better.What do you want people to do make a full game for somebody or helpfull small pieces?Do you want more complexity?Could you give us some examples of what you think are good resources?

Hey nice ! I will have to try and use this, and make a little demo file…