Prototype Sheol: A Sidescrolling Platformer and Shooter

This prototype, called, “Sheol” was created as a final project for my senior high school Game Design class about a year ago. In the game your objective is to get the Red Heart located in one of the floating platforms around you. As you traverse Purgatory, you will encounter other souls who will try to kill you. The game story is about a boy trapped in Purgatory. He lost his heart and he must get it back to become a “valid” soul again.

Sorry about the late inclusion of the story, I totally missed it when I was writing this thread.

If you want me to continue in developing this prototype into a full-fledged indie game, then please say so below along with your criticisms and suggestions for this prototype. Thanks! :smiley:

Download Blend File:
Sheol Prototype.blend (957 KB)

Textures! moving the point lamp upwards!

With the textures, yes, but it would be very minimal considering that the art aesthetic that I am going for is polygonal. Ambient Occlusion could be applied. Also with the point light I would definitely agree that it should be moved upwards.

the prototype is flawless. (: Good luck

You could also disable specular lighting for the point light. I wouldn’t expect purgatory to be so shiny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, good point. Currently I am balancing my work, school, and this project. I hope I would get good progress soon…