Rigify-pitchipoy - Looked good up until applying it to the mesh

I was watching and copying the video by the pitchipoy guy. Everything seemed good. Generated a rig that moved around like the video said it should.

Then I ctrlP-weights as in the video and nothing much happened. The mesh got a load of def-vertex groups but nothing in the mesh responds to any movement of the rig in pose mode.

If I switch the modifier to envelop, the mesh distorts horribly, but at least it reacts. In the default vertex mode, nothing.

Also if I select the mesh and in edit mode select in the panel some vertx group and click select, nothing lights up on the mesh.

The model was imported and was purchased some time ago for use in other software, it has been exported from DazStudio in what studio says is suitable for Blender (Y and Z reversed)

Any ideas? V2.73

It looks like you picked the parent with empty vertex groups option. Unparent the mesh from the armature, delete all the vertex groups and remove the armature modifier on the mesh. Then re-parent and select the “… with automatic weights” or whatever option.

If that doesn’t work, there is something very weird going on.

with an imported model… you should do a couple of things before you set an Armature to it…

Select the mesh > Tab into Edit mode > A (to select all) > Left hand tool bar > Remove: > Remove Doubles

Then with the model still selected > Tab into Object mode > hit Ctrl+A > Rotation and Scale (to Apply the current Rotation and Scale)