UV map. connecting edges

I am trying to make a file that goes with the UV map so that I can connect the edges. What I want to be able to do is when I start from a point it will spread over the faces that are connected in the 3d model.

Example: (especially J and K)

(The filling is done in an external program and not in blender.)


I think what I need is a way to export the seams.

Is the issue you’re facing one where you want to avoid seams in the texture due to the edges of the UVmapping setup?

One way to tackle it would be to have a second UVmap with a second texture and blend them together using vertex colors (the second one being visible where the seams of the first one is).

Another way would be to just use procedural textures if possible.

A third way would be to just paint the texture using Blender’s texture paint mode (it would allow for the creation of a single texture that goes perfectly over the seams).

What I am trying to do is in my game (not in blender) is sort of build a gradient tool that wraps around the edges of a model.

What I am trying to do in blender is build a list of the UV edges so when I hit one I can move over to the other edge.

Image Demo:
Something a little like this:

What I am looking for at the moment is a way to export from blender that the A edges actually match.

Another image. This is sort of what I am looking for. (just the edges are colored instead of text based)

I don’t think Blender has any built-in tools to do what you want here (especially if you want to color-code the different edges).

It might be possible to generate such a texture with an addon though, but it would have to be written first.