BGE Performance Problem (BUG?) 2.72 and up

Hey Guys,
Recently I updated my Blender version to 2.72 and was surprised:
My Blender Game Toms Adventures was only running with 10 FPS, though in Blender 2.71 it ran with 100 FPS and more.
Here´s the proof:
Blender 2.71

Blender 2.72 and higher

I also downloaded the release candidate for Blender 2.73, same problem.

This might be a bug and I would be interested if more of you come across with this in other Game Projects.
If anyone of you has any idea, how to fix this or what we can do if it is really a bug in the newer releases please tell us.

Thanks for any replies,


Ok I had a closer look again and found out that something with the softbodies seems to be weird in the newest blender versions. They take up a lot of the Physics. I removed all softbodies from the Game and the Performance was good again.
But still the Softbodies should work, cause it would be bad to remove then.
At least I´m a bit more to the core of the Problem.

What exactly are you using softbodies for? I’ve never really found a use for them and they use a hell of a lot of processing power.

I made some Flags for the city and the look quite nice and they run very good in 2.71 too. So that´s that.

Why don’t suppend physics of the flags when the player is far from it?

If I remember correctly there was a bug with soft bodies pre 2.72, they didn’t use the settings from the physics panel. It may be that fix that has caused you physics woes.

If that’s the case however it’s not really a bug but a lack of one that’s causing the problem…

If you’re intent on soft bodies, Carlo’s suggestion is a good one. Personally I wouldn’t use them for flags though, they’re not worth the overhead. Perhaps try bones?

Another idea, you could record the physics animation and just loop that animation, although using bones is probably more performance friendly.

Yap ok I think I´ll do that, thanks for your help.