infinite runner

a script for making an infinite runner like temple run?

It’s not a hard script to make. But I don’t think anyone has released a nice one yet. Best write your own!

you have to make a dictionary with all ceils that rapresent the space in 2D (x,y)
then see where is the player, get the player ceil, and check if that ceil exist(otherwise create)
the part a bit complex is that you have to manage at least 4 planes. (but 9 is better, more easy)
the thing that really make it pretty complex is that you lost the ability to use vectors very quikly.

the dictionary can be like this:

      (0,0,0) : ["Plane", planegob],
      (0,100,0) : ["Plane2", planegob],

the z coord is 0 as default

Man i’m also making one…still wondering how to change lanes

Hello! I made a very basic one too (less professionnal than MarcoIT’s one):

You can have a look if you want.
