Fluid simulation not working at all.

I have a domain box, I have an inflow object inside that box, and I’ve clicked “Bake” a dozen times, but I still get nothing but the box.
The box doesn’t even disappear, it acts like it’s not even set as a fluid domain.
I’m using version 2.72, does anyone have any idea what’s going on?

You should supply a link to your blend file for review

Okay, apparently, it’s because the inflow object is parented to a bone in a separate skeleton. I don’t get why that messes it up but oh well, now I have to figure out some other way to parent it to the bone.

Make sure all of your fluid related objects have their scaling and rotation applied (ctrl-A in object mode). Non-uniform object scaling can cause bakes to fail. If that doesn’t do it, yeah we need to see the file to find out what else might be wrong.