Using "drag-select" without resorting to circle select tool?

Hi there!

I was just wondering if there is a way to drag select multiple components (e.g. vertices) in edit mode without using the “Circle Select tool” (“c”) in Blender.

I wish to use the regular select tool with e.g. a hotkey modifier to be able to drag select components instead of first having to choose circle select, select components, then deactivate the circle tool and get on with business…

All the best wishes for Christmas!


Have you tried hitting ‘b’ for border (or boundary or box) select?

It’s the same as doing a selection in just about any other software:

  • Hit ‘b,’
  • drag out your selection, and
  • move on.

Or, if you prefer to use an amorphous select shape:

  • Ctrl-LMB, and
  • drag.

Check out this video by Jonathan Williamson for a complete run-down on selecting in Edit Mode.

I know about the “Box Select” tool. I use it a lot in my orthographic viewports, but in perspective I find it a bit clumsy.

Perhaps you should consider using Orthographic mode instead. I’ve never modeled in perspective; it just feels wrong somehow.