Why dont we have anything like this in blender

it would be pretty amazing

Can you explain whats missing exactly from Blender?

A while ago I made a an interactive jump’n’run in Blender using actions only (no game engine), but not sure what aspect of this video you refer to

I am talking about the remote collaboration between more than 1 person on a blender scene :smiley:
Setting in skype calls pointing at the screen (Even though you know they cant see it) doesn’t really count as remote collaboration haha

Blender Verse is amazing, however it’s not working with anything past 2.62 I think

2.66.4 ?

Seems like a tool with pretty limited utility. I can’t think of many things that would annoy me more than another artist poking around in my scene at the same time as me, but maybe that’s a personal thing.

To answer the question: because no one has coded it. And this would be a doozy of a coding job. Syncing things like that remotely without TONS of bugs would be a nightmare. I mean, look at multiplayer games that have been online for years with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars that STILL can’t get it right. It’s more or less the same concept.

100 Million dollar games make them for the money they do not care at all what the end user get. They will probably release dlc to fix it that costs 5.99… The gaming industry is ruined and it probably isnt coming back any time soon at least while Ubisoft and EA are still around.

Planetside 2, was awsome, but then they nerf everything you buy and release unerfed stuff, or just flat out break it for you,

I have a lowend gpu, and can only run the ice continent, and eventaully from all thr new bloat, cant even play there,

They want you to use money to counter frustration they induce…

Things that work well are nerfed unless new and pricey.

The difference being that multiplayer games have to have all sorts of predictive algorithms to handle latency and error correction, while simultaneously keeping the packet size as small as possible, and frequency as low as possible.

A real-time collaborative production environment doesn’t bring the same problems (you still want low latency, but your packet sizes can be a lot larger, and you can drop error tolerance to zero since accuracy is more important than playability), and could even bring with it some large benefits, like running and storing sims server side instead of locally.

Just dont allow two avatars to manipulate the same datablock at the same time, and only send changes in data,

Basically it could just be that,

Data changes-----send data

Recieve data-----change data or reject if in use

If reject inform other user?