redering large images

ok i was wondering if there was a plugin to divide large render tasks(high res images) over multiple computers.
I saw this was possible in the past but currently i couldnt find a download link, hence support might have ended.

SO i was wondering is there still a script needed that does do something like this, or does it allready exist (using a different name as what i was searching for), here my coding draft

bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = 1000
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = 1000

tiles X   #/ if tiles multiplier (mod function) x resoltion then dont accept input
tiles y

bpy.ops.view3d.render_border(xmin=339, xmax=444, ymin=172, ymax=317, camera_only=False)

//File location
//and autonaming of tile 

//Maybe use compositor
If available all tiles (renderimage-tile1 .... rendertile14) >  
//For file location, option to give shared folder (getsync or dropbox folder)
//And tell wich client should try first combine the images

post processing, on a new image project the images.

// maybe builtin checks to check if distrubted blender clients are active
// so in case not, take their work // check if renderimage-tile exist, if not claim file for local render app
// update a claim file
// by analysing a claim list we can check if a blender app has crashed/powered down etc, and render can conitinou by other
// or also while rendering other blender apps from other pc clients can be added to speedup the process.

see my other post i fixed a script, and i know try to extend it to becomme 100% blender without other software.