quick weight paint issue :C

I’ve been weight painting a simple character, and the automatic weights did a terrible job to say the least, I’m cleaning it up, but there are some areas that are affected that I can’t seem to paint away, I don’t know how to fix those areas, please help!

(alright so I re-did the auto weights on a higher poly version of the mesh and their manageable now, but I’d still really LOVE to figure out this issue, as it has been a problem in the past and will likely strike again!)

With the mesh edit mode, check Properties > Mesh/Data > Vertex Groups panel.
There are some tools to Assign weight to verts, Select and Remove verts in the vertex groups.

Ok, sweet, thanks!

Additionally, with the mesh in edit mode, select an offending vert and look to the transforms panel in the 3d view. There will be a vertex weights sub panel there that tells you what vertex groups a vertex belongs to.

2 tips… first, this is why I never use auto weighting, I think it’s harder to clean up a sloppy weight paint job than it is to do it myself from scratch. 2nd, always use ‘auto-normalize’ when weight painting. When using this, as you add weight to a vertex for one group, it subtracts weight from the other groups the vetex is part of. With this, you will see the actual weighting for the verts, without it, you could weight a vert 100% to 4 groups.
