CUDA outdate in Blender ?

Not sure if this the correct category. In the very frist buildts of Cycles Cuda 1.3 and higher was supported, now it must be 2.0 or above. Will blender move its minimum CUDA version up again, eg. that blender will require 3.0 to run in GPU’s? And is there a way to use GPU’s with too old CUDA versions like 1.0 to render (even if slower) ?

in older Blender versions you can of course use older Cuda graphics cards.

the minimum requirement can be changed and I bet it will be changed.

It is recommended to update the hardware or to use program versions which still work for your hardware.
3D is in fact an area where having an updated PC is a wise decision.

if you can´t upgrade your PC or parts of it, you can as an alternative use CPU rendering.

  • edit; you can also try to build a Blender version which works for older cuda versions (some functions may not work even with the hardest trying)
    or look at Graphicall for custom Blender builds.