Clone Animation

I was referred to this site, so here I go.

I am currently working on a clone wars animation and happened to come across a few by Jan Ruppert on Youtube (look them up). I was really wondering how he was able to create the lasers from the muzzle flash to the final motion of the laser itself. Also, does anybody have the time to create a quick and small scene that reflects the lighting scene of his animations in order to help me gain an understanding in how lighting works (therefore becoming more accurate of the Clone Wars series).

Any guidance would be much appreciated. You guys must have some sort of reputation because Blender Cookie told me that this was the place to go to for more help. Thank you so much.

Could you provide a couple of screenshots of the type of lighting you are looking for?
(edit) as I recall, clone wars has a sort of soft lighting, which could be mesh lighting. look into mesh lighting. It gives more of a diffused effect because it’s scattering at different angles, depending on the shape of your mesh.
(edit) also, it seems like their materials are very low spec, and the hardness value is also very low. in materials, turn your specularity value way down, as well as your hardness value.
I threw together some objects. they are mainly lit by the large mesh on the right, and another one off to the left that is out of view.
There is also a lamp in the scene set to a low value.
(edit) whoops I lost my shadows somehow. not sure what happened there, but it shouldn’t be a problem. I may have clicked something in my lamp settings.

sigh…another abandon thread.
(edit) sorry, nothing personal, AppleTesla.