How to scale 3 holes at the same time

I have a part that I made and I just need to make the holes bigger just by a little but when i try to scale them up they get longer or shorter any thoughts?

Select edge along the bore and add new Transform Orientation (N-panel bottom, plus sign). Select newly created Edge orientation on bottom menu and scale selected bore faces excluding axis along the bore (e.g. S, Shift-YY). Repeat on other bores.

It looks as if you have too many vertices on cycles now.

Antoehr possible alternative is to create temporarly faces by first selecting the boundaries of those circles in edge selection mode

Then pressing F

Now change the pivot point from the default “Median Point” to “Individual Origin”

Then Press S to scale, the circle ngons faces will scale as desired and will not get inside or outside the “tunnels”

Once done, just press X -> Face to delete those ngons only

Well, it takes Cube, Cylinder and Empty to recreate all actually. Boolean, Array and Ctrl-B bevel.
Cleaning after Boolean might take significantly longer if Subsurf or unwrap for texturing is needed later.

Edit: this is to that Sanctuary’s final result will be much better in that regard.

pretty cool workaround Sanctuary!

Never thought of creating temporary elements to serve as transformations centers… this can be quite usefull :smiley:

The Shrink/Fatten commands that was supposed to do this, but did not have this functionality, has been updated last Thursday.

  • Grab a new version off buildbot (you need a build at least Thu Nov 13 > )
  • Convert your selection to faces!
  • Shrink/Fatten, use the ALT-key modifier for correct vector transform.

Interesting, finally this ALT+S may become more reliable.
Now if only some addons functionalities weren’t broken by some api change in recent builds

No need to create faces, set edge select mode and select circles edges, not inner edges, and scale, pivot point to Invidual origins.