Cannot F12/Render

Can someone please tell me what I’ve done to cause this scene not to render? At one time, I was able to push F12 and it would render in the Image Editor window. Then, I began the process of trying to render it as a series of PNG files and, subsequently, to a movie…and that’s when I lost the ability to render at all!!

Thanks for any help!

In Blender you have essentially three “steps” that contribute to the final image:

  • Renderer
  • Compositor
  • Sequencer

Those are evaluated from the bottom up - in other words: If you have e. g. an image sequence in the sequencer, it will override your render result - and that’s exactly what’s happening here. To stop that, you will need to either remove the image sequence or disable the sequencer under Render > Post-Processing.

Thanks so much, lkariShinjl, for the quick reply. I tried to add a plane as a “dust” emitter - could that process have caused the Sequencer box to be selected? Otherwise, I’m not sure when that occurred? Relatively new to Blender, but trying to learn.

Thanks again for the help!

The “Sequencer” checkbox is enabled by default.
Therefore any strip you add to the sequencer will override the render. And I think there is some logic in that: Why would Blender render/composite a whole animation all over again, if the user - apparently - just wants to compile an image sequence into a movie or montage footage together?

I’m still unsure what you wanted to achieve with that strip in the sequencer. Sounds like you wanted to do some compositing? That’s not what the sequencer is for…