basic animating

hi guys,I have started character animating recently,the fact of the matter is that it seems to be very hard for me,i event can not make a simple pose with bones,like sitting,or walking,I’m practicing with blenders default human rig,its been 2 months that i have been trying to make this (blenders default human rig) runs or walk,but i’m not really satisfied with the result and its sort of amusing:rolleyes:,I sometimes think maybe i dont really have the ability at doing this:(,it does help me if those who are skilled at animating can tell me how they have learned to animate.:confused:

the metarig forms a basis for the real - animation ready rig. Look up rigify on youtube (for instance, here : )

Though it is possible to animate with the basic rig you have, consider it “expert only” work. The animation ready rig makes life 1 million times easier and more effective