Can't see shadows in Blender Render User perspective

I can see the shadows when I render the scene but not when I’m working on it in the 3D view. I’ve set the plane material to white but can only see that when it’s rendered also. What am I missing?

Step 1 - change the point lamp to either sun or spot lamp
Step 2 - change viewport shading from solid to textured
Step 3 - Ensure you have set shading to GLSL not Multitexture (properties panel (N) under Shading)
Change viewport shading from solid to rendered

Thanks Richard, I’ve made the changes as per your instructions but I can’t find shading under the properties panel for the GLSL setting.

Press N to toggle on/off the properties panel. Look at the Shading panel and ensure the dropdown is set to GLSL. It’s there in both object and edit mode. If you don’t see it, look harder

Brilliant! I didn’t even have the properties panel open - I thought the one with the outliner on it was the properties panel! (red face)

The floor is now white too! Many thanks Richard.