Video tutorial on How to make a game ready crate with blender gimp or photoshop

Video tutorial on How to make a game ready crate with blender gimp or photoshop
let me know what you guys think :slight_smile:

Very good tutorial thank you for sharing

I am happy that you liked it. No problem it is my pleasure

Thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial. I didn’t know how to take a high poly mesh and create the maps before this. I just knew that you COULD do it. You made it look easy :slight_smile:

Your video quality was excellent, but you mumble a little and I had to turn my volume up to be able to understand you at times.

No problem I am happy to help the 3D community. That is not the only way to make normal maps it just one of the many ways you can I was struggling with the other ways to make it and I assumed others may be having problems with it 2 so I felt like I should put other ways what can work. The only ways to make things easy is just keep working on it till you get it and then work on it more.

I been doing 3D modeling for about 10 years now and I did move over to blender about 2 or 3 years ago and never look back and just the last year I been trying to get normals to work still a bit of a hit or miss but getting there and I know that was of making them work.

You got to love nvidia shadowplay it works good with youtube.
I am hoping soon when I get a video editing software I will able to make it even better as for now I am just recording as I go as if I use windows movie maker quality wont be as good and I tried using blender to do the video editing but I did have some problems with that it works but dam to just a bit too hard just for editing videos for my liking