Bounces and Noise

Hey there,
I just rendered out this scene and I have two quick questions:

  1. The clouds are being partially lit by the light reflecting off the ground, making them green. Is there any way to turn off bounces for just the clouds?

  2. There’s some serious noise going on with the vehicle (which is bright yellow in this render). I tried turning off caustics and using filter, but nothing worked. Any ideas?

As you can see, my lighting is pretty much just a big area light and then one for the background.


1). You might want to replace the big quad with a real arealight (by way of add > lamps > area), there’s no real reason to use a meshlight in that case and the sampling will generally be superior.

2). You can make use of the ray depth output in the lightpath node to make the clouds show a simple black material if a ray hitting it has already bounced one or more times.

I tried replacing the light but I’m getting similar noise

Maybe set direct/indirect clamping to 3 or 5 and check again. Did you try that?